Nov 11, 2011

OUTFIT | Last Goodbyes

Is it just me, or did this Autumn season go by like EXTREMELY fast. It's November already and the last month of Autumn. I must say, I'm kind of upset. Yesterday was our first snowfall, and it only made things more "real". Blah. Autumn is my most favorite season and Winter is my Least... But anywho, here's what I wore a few nights ago:

 Sweater - (J.Crew) Thrifted
Dress - (Bought a couple of years ago)
Shawl - Thrifted
Tights - F21
Black Belt - Thrifted

Nov 10, 2011

Liebster Blog Award | Plus Other Thanks

Hi everyone. I'm writing this post in regards to a genuinely nice gesture from a fellow blogger, Yasmin. (Her blog is a favorite of mine and is naturally refreshing to read.) I was informed that I've received the Liebster Blog Award, as she has chosen me (and a few other worthy new bloggers) to receive. I just want to thank you and let you know that I am not only surprised, but honored as well that I could be someone's favorite. I absolutely adore and appreciate little things like this. I also want to let all of my 11 beautiful followers know that I appreciate you all and I see you! I follow every single person that follows me, and there is no reason for that to change. (Just shoot me a comment, or link to your blog, & I'll follow!) I'm happy if anyone out there enjoys my blog. Thank you Yasmin for even considering me.
 I accept your award, and I thank you. You're beautiful and I love your blog as well!

Here are just several blogs (as I have too many to choose from) I thought would be worthy recipients of this Award:

I love these blogs, and the people behind them. I tried to pick blogs that stood out to me in terms of creativity, naturalness, and the fact that these are all Normal people who simply have a liking for fashion. 

Fellow Winners:
If you get an award...
... make a post in which you post the "Liebster-Blog" photo and the instruction ( the text you're reading now)
... create a link to the person's blog, who gave you the award and inform her/him with a comment on her/his blog that you accepted the award and leave a link to your award-post.
... think of 3-5 bloggers you want to give the award to and tell them in a comment that they're taaged and leave the link with your post where the instruction is showed. 

Nov 7, 2011

OUTFIT | Date Night

Last night was a long overdue date night for the Boyfriend and I. The movies was our destination, and Paranormal Activity 3 was our choice of drug. And all I have to say is, that movie is INSANE. I did expect a bit more at the end, since it was so hyped up. But nonetheless, it scared the living shit out of me... Here's what I wore: It was a pretty late and casual date, so I just wanted to be kind of comfortable (at least this is my idea of comfort...).

Slouchy Hat - F21
Cross Necklace - AE
Vintage Calvin Klein Jacket - Thrifted
Black Sweater - Thrifted
Mesh Under Shirt - Thrifted
Men's Dockers Cardi- Thrifted
GAP High Waisted Shorts - DIY/Thrifted
Fishnet/Lace Tights - F21

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