Dec 15, 2011

UPDATE | (Plus new shoes!)

Hi lovely readers. I wanted to put up a quick post to let you all know I'm still alive! I have neglected my blog lately and I do apologize for the abrupt absence. Sometimes, that thing called LIFE gets in the way of pre-planned activities and obligations, and you just have to take the time to deal with it... But nonetheless, I have a couple of free days to do whatever the hell I please, so of course I'm going to be catching up on my blog. I am indeed still going to put up Part II of my November/December thrift haul (hopefully today or tomorrow). I just thought I'd come from out of the shadows and let my wonderfully patient viewers and followers know that I haven't forgotten about my blog. I've just simply had to deal with other things as Christmas is right around the corner and there is so much work to be done! 

Anywho, if you follow my TWITTER, you would've already seen these beauties that my amazing boyfriend surprised me with last night. I had no idea he'd ordered them and even more, decided to give them to me as ONE of my many Christmas gifts (so he says). I can't wait to see what else he has up his sneaky sleeve for me. They're from the brand Qupid, and being such an inexpensive brand, lots of their shoes are actually really good. I love these booties because they're so practical and can be worn with almost anything. They also kind of remind me of the much more expensive Messeca ones HERE

P.S!... I've been hating the name of my blog lately and I think I want to shorten it... Or just change it completely.

Here's what I've come up with so far:

You're suggestions would help me out SO much, so let me know what you guys think I should change it to!

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